These individuals are very important to both of us and have helped shape us into who we are today.
We've had the pleasure of getting to know them and we think you will too!

  • Jon Wardner


    Jon and Matt share a longstanding connection dating back to childhood. They were members of the same boy scout troupe and later the same swim team in high school. Their friendship is built on camaraderie, laughs, and a bit of mischief. As Carly got to know Jon, he evolved into an incredibly important person in her life as well, always there to offer empathy and encouragement. His loyalty and support are a steady presence in Carly and Matt's life, grounded in shared laughter and adventures.

  • Aleena Borowiec


    Shortly after Jon introduced his new girlfriend Aleena, she and Carly became really close friends. Because of Matt and Carly’s close bond to Jon, Carly likes to refer to Aleena as her homie-in-law. Together, the group of four play a significant role in each other's lives. Whether it's sharing laughs, having a game night, or simply enjoying each other's company, Jon, Aleena, Matt, and Carly have created a special bond that goes beyond an ordinary friendship.

  • John Holder IV


    John, the charismatic older brother of Matt, remains forever young at heart, infusing every moment with his infectious energy. His zest for life is palpable, as he effortlessly brings joy and warmth to those around him. Whether it's sharing life lessons or simply being a source of laughter, John adds light-heartedness to every family gathering, creating cherished memories that endure through the years. His vibrant spirit uplifts the entire family, making him a beloved figure in their lives.

  • Kelly Holder


    Kelly, the wise older sister of Matt, embraces the role of the responsible sibling with her quiet and kind demeanor. Despite the antics of her two energetic brothers, Kelly remains a pillar of strength and stabilizing force in the midst of the madness. In the sibling trio, she's the one who adds order to the chaos, proving that behind every pair of crazy brothers, there's often a protective and much calmer middle sister, whose gentle kindness resonates with everyone she encounters.

  • Michael Pinter IV


    Michael is Carly's younger brother who was born when she was 15. He and Matt are best buds, with Matt being a constant in Michael's life as far back as he can remember. Michael has essentially grown up with Carly and Matt as a couple, making their dynamic a familiar and integral part of his childhood. As they navigate life's journey together, Michael is the younger brother happily along for the ride, surrounded by the warmth of family and his honorary big brother, Matt.

  • Chelsea Clark


    Growing up on the same street, Chelsea and Carly have had a lifelong friendship built on understanding and laughter since early childhood. Their relationship evolves with each chapter of life, which would sometimes take them on separate paths for a while - different schools, new experiences, and the inevitable changes that come with growing up. Despite this, anytime the two of them reunite it feels like a continuation of an unspoken conversation.

  • Kyle Myers


    Growing up in the same neighborhood, Matt and Kyle were on the high school swim team together and later became college roommates. Kyle's charismatic and vibrant personality brought an energy that transformed the laid-back aura of Matt and Jon. Kyle has always been protective and caring toward Carly, which has made him an honorary older brother in her life. He has a knack for turning ordinary moments into memorable ones and is the driving force behind many shared adventures.

  • Natalie Gaulin


    Natalie is the beloved and soft-spoken girlfriend of Kyle. With a gentle demeanor and a kind heart, she effortlessly endears herself to everyone she meets. Despite her quiet nature, Natalie's warmth shines through in every interaction, making her an integral and calming part of the group dynamic. In the eyes of Kyle and his friends, Natalie is not just his girlfriend but also a cherished member of their close-knit circle, loved and appreciated by all.

  • Nate Sopko


    Nate went through college as a Computer Science student alongside his classmate, Matt. Their shared interest in coding, video games, and cracking jokes laid the foundation for a strong friendship. As fate would have it, Nate seamlessly blended into the close-knit circle of high school friends, adding his unique blend of humor to the mix. Nate brings a refreshing energy to the group, making him a pivotal part of their shared memories and adventures.

  • Leah Frank


    From the moment Leah stepped into the picture as Nate's girlfriend, her bold and magnetic personality has been essential to this group of friends. Leah's loyalty especially shines through in her friendship with Carly, always offering support, understanding, and a shoulder to lean on. Whether it's celebrating victories or navigating through life's challenges, Leah is there for her friends with unwavering encouragement and genuine care.

  • Brandon Austin


    Brandon, known for his endearing goofiness and kind-hearted nature, was introduced to Matt as Nate's college roommate. Always ready with a joke or a silly antic, he brings laughter and levity to every gathering. Despite his playful demeanor, Brandon's empathy shines through in his thoughtful gestures and willingness to lend a helping hand to anyone in need. He fosters a warm and welcoming atmosphere within the group, making him a beloved friend to all.

  • Amanda Caridi


    Brandon's girlfriend, Amanda, is a true ball of energy. With her enthusiasm and boundless vitality, she always adds excitement and positivity. Whether it's brightening up a dull day with her bubbly personality or infusing a conversation with joy, Amanda is the life of the party. Her friends rely on her for a dose of spontaneity and upliftment, knowing that with Amanda around, there's never a dull moment.

  • Drew Wentka


    Drew and Matt met as computer science students in college, where their friendship was fueled by common interests and their shared quirky sense of humor. Early on, they became college roommates, navigating the craziest years of their lives together. Drew's easy demeanor and authentic personality make him a favorite among friends, and his bond with Matt remains as strong as ever, built on a foundation of laughter and shared experiences from their college days.

  • Darianna Borowiec


    Darianna and Carly, once distant acquaintances in high school, found a second chance at friendship through Darianna's sister, Aleena. Despite different paths during their school days, the two quickly connected over shared interests. Darianna's vibrant personality and incredibly contagious laughter turned her from a missed connection into a loyal and cherished friend.

  • Darryl Colosi


    Darryl is a laid-back and easygoing guy whose lifelong friendship with Matt started during their mischievous days in elementary school and boy scouts. Growing up, they were always finding themselves in the middle of some hilarious or wild adventure. From childhood antics to navigating the ups and downs of adult life, Darryl remains a reliable and fun-loving friend, always ready for the next escapade.